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Welcome to Charlotte Camera Club! We are a growing, active club of photographers spanning all ages and skill levels. We offer a fun mix of opportunities and ways to participate.

Our meetings are held on the second and fourth Thursdays of every month except the months of November and December (no second meeting those months).  Meetings begin at 7:00 p.m. and conclude by 9:00 p.m. We currently meet virtually. Members and guests are invited to arrive a little early to socialize before the meeting begins.

Learn more about us:

Who We Are           What We Do           Our Meetings

We hope that you will browse our website and visit a meeting soon.


Next Meeting: February 13, 7:00 PM - Virtual

Subject: Image Review and Critique -QCC #3

Judge: Dennis Thornton


Dennis became interested in photography during high school.  His first camera was a folding 35mm Kodak Retina viewfinder which was paired a Weston IV light meter.   In his senior year Dennis purchased his first SLR, an Asahi Pentax Spotmatic II.  It was love at first sight.  Spotmatics were the camera of choice for many years, although a Mamiya C 330 twins lens was great for making B&W negatives.  Many hours were happily spent in his makeshift darkroom.


Life intervened and while a camera was often in hand during his college years, there was no darkroom and other more necessarily activities encroached on the pleasure of the hobby.  Then the cameras were put out to pasture during graduate school, the early years of career building, marriage and starting a family. 


Eventually, a career was established, children had grown up, a new house was purchased with a basement room suitable for making a darkroom.  Dennis unboxed darkroom equipment that had been in storage, dusted off his cameras and joined a local photography club, the Westchester Photographic Society. 

Dennis expanded his acquisitions by picking up a pair of Pentax 6x7s “super SLR” with lenses and attachments.  This beast weighed a ton, had a mirror slap that could be heard a block away but produced incredible negatives for printing.   He also switched from 35mm Pentax brand to Nikon. 

Just as he was getting back into the darkroom, Dennis was caught up in the popular movement to digital.  Eventually, the film equipment would go and was replaced with increasingly sophisticated Nikon DSLRs and now mirrorless cameras.


Involvement in camera clubs and organizations has been rewarding and contributed to skill development and the enjoyment of sharing a passion with like-minded hobbyists.   Dennis competes on the Salon level, has participated in regional competitions, has had images accepted in juried shows and has received awards and other acknowledgement of distinction for his work.  Most of all, photography is an activity that is intellectually stimulating and artistically rewarding.  


 The link to the meeting is below.

 Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 833 5809 9987
Passcode: 019491




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 WAUSSAUK Competition

 The Charlotte Camera Club is hosting the WAUSSAUK competition. The WAUSSAUK competition is a four continent club competition.  The four clubs are from Western Australia, the US, South Africa and the United Kingdom. We need a volunteer to coordinate it.  The coordinator would work with the judges of the competition to document the images scores and report back to the board when this is done.  The images would be uploaded to the SmugMug by March 1st. Judging would occur in the weeks after and Anastasia Tompkins will then take the information and the images to create the PowerPoint that goes back to the participating clubs.

 Here are the rules for the competition:


·  The theme will be “Open”.

·  There will be two categories:

1.      Color

2.      B/W

·  All four clubs will enter a total of 25 images each.

·  A maximum of two images per photographer may be submitted.

·  It does not matter how many photos are entered in the Color category or the B/W category, as long as the total number of images submitted by each club does not exceed 25.

·  There will be scoring for the Color category and scoring for the B/W category..

·  The scores will be combined to get the final scores to determine the overall winning club.

·  The images must not have been submitted to a past WAUSSAUK competition.

·  There are no restrictions on the age of the images.

·  The dimensions of each image may not exceed 1920 pixels in width and/or 1440 pixels in height.

·  The file name should be in the following format <Location>-<Title>-<Maker Name>.jpg Example: US-El Capitan-Eric Notheisen.jpg

·  Locations are as follows:  Western Australia (WA), United States (US), Great Britain (UK), South Africa (SA)

·  Images must be in .JPG format and sRGB color space



The Road Less Taken

First Place
The Road Less Taken
Image of the Year
Linda Harris

Blue Hour at the Louvre

Second Place
Blue Hour at the Louvre
Image of the Year
tAnastasia Tompkins

Teen Work

Third Place
Teen Work
Picture of the Year
Lorraine Shannon



Header Image: Anastasia Tompkins; Body Images: Linda Harris,Anastasia Tompkins, Lorraine Shannon