PSA Interclub Guidelines

About PSA
The Photographic Society of America or PSA ( is a worldwide organization for anyone with an interest in photography. PSA has members in over 70 countries and offers both Individual and photo organization/club memberships. Members enjoy a wide variety of services and activities. PSA has six interest groups called Divisions.
Charlotte Camera Club and PSA Competitions
Charlotte Camera Club is a Member Club with PSA participates in five PSA Division Interclub Competitions:
- Projected Image Division - Open Color
- Projected Image Division - Open Black and White
- Nature
- Photojournalism
- Photo Travel
Each Division holds three competition rounds during the PSA year (September through June). The club is allowed six entries for each competition round. In order to participate in PSA competitions, CCC members must be in good standing (dues paid).
How to Participate
An open call for submissions will be made to club members prior to each competition round. Due dates for each round are scheduled on the CCC calendar. Members can submit
one images for each Division round. Images should be uploaded to the
following SmugMug Site:
Image Guidelines
- Entries must be received by midnight on the due date published on the Club calendar.
- Each email must have the photographer's name and image title in the body of the email.
- Horizontal images must be no wider than 1920 pixels and no taller
then 1080 pixels.
- Vertical and Square images must be no taller than 1080 pixels.
- Resolution should be set for 300 pixels per inch (or the camera’s default if less). File size should not exceed
2 Mb.
- All images files must be in JPG (JPEG) format.
- Files should be named with the image title followed by the photographer's name separated by a dash. (Example: My Best Photo - FirstName LastName.jpg)
- File names should not include any punctuation or special characters. Use only letters, numbers, and dashes when naming files.
- Image titles should be no longer than 25 characters.
- Images must be oriented properly and images will be judged as submitted.
- Images must adhere to all PSA Division Guidelines and Definitions.
- Download instructions for submitting images
Club Selection of Images
Once all submissions are received, the images will be loaded into a Smugmug gallery (with titles only) for review and voting by the members to determine the six images that best represent the club in the PSA competition. Voting will be conducted by electronic ballot.
At the conclusion of the voting, the PSA Coordinator will submit the six selected images to the PSA competition and the images will be added to the PSA Competitions Gallery.
PSA Judging
PSA secures a judging club (from participating Member Clubs) for each competition round. The member club will select three qualified judges for the competition. Judges will use a scale of 1-5 and scores combined for a maximum total score of 15. Each Division determines the specific guidelines for scoring. Following the competition, scores are returned to CCC along with any Awards or Honorable Mentions. Some divisions have end of the year competitions. Images that win awards or honorable mention may qualify for entry.
Once CCC receives the results from PSA, the PSA Results page will be updated with the scores and any awards.
Photo Credits:
From Top: Dave Warren,Lorraine Shannon, Dominick Mignone; Bottom (L-R):
Morris Getz, Sharon McQuillan, Anastasia Tompkins, John Goodwin